The psoas is a key player in almost everything! A muscle that crosses three zones (lumbar spine, pelvis, hip) it is therefore crucial to stability.
The primary role of the psoas is lumbar spine stabilisation and hip flexion, but very often it can become tight and weak… why? SITTING. When sitting, the psoas is in a chronically shortened position, and then when we stand, the shortened psoas alters the alignment of the spine and hips. The quadratus lumborum (QL) works overtime to try and balance the equation by trying to achieve a neutral spine.
The result.. Loss of range of motion in the spine, poor movement patterns, tired overworked muscles.
What to do?
1. Sit less!
2. Release the QL with a trigger point ball (don’t go too hard), 2 minutes. In this video, our Cairns Physiotherapist Campbell Will shows you how to use a trigger point release ball (available for purchase in clinic) to release your lower back.
3. Standing with your back against a wall, slowly raise one leg to hip height, ensuring the pelvis doesn’t hitch on that side. Apply a gentle downward pressure to the thigh and resist the movement with the hip flexors. Hold for 3 seconds and lower the leg.
4. Repeat on the other side.