Wellness Embodied Blog

We’ve all been there: a sprained knee, a pulled muscle or an infection that requires medical intervention. Solving these issues is what we consider reactive care — when we are looking to relieve something that is causing immediate pain or discomfort. But managing your health involves more than just recovery. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, for a happier, healthier life overall. How this looks for each person will differ, but we recommend developing an ongoing plan to help you live well, consulting with experts to consider lifestyle adjustments, OT interventions, and daily exercises that

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June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and we should all know what the symptoms are and embrace a ‘bowel-healthy’ lifestyle!   Why should you care? Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world. Being young does not make you immune to bowel cancer and 1 in 13 Australians will develop the disease in their lifetime with 10% of those being under 50 years of age. Bowel cancer in people under age 50 is being diagnosed at later stages, indicating the trend in young onset bowel cancer is not due to earlier detection. 99% of bowel

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One of the most commonly prescribed supplements by physios is Magnesium. In this post we examine: What is it good for, why you need a practitioner grade product and how to know you may be deficient. Magnesium is an important macromineral, which plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions- including the metabolism of vitamin D. Studies have shown beneficial effects on anxiety and stress, as well as positive relationships with physical function in older adults (along with zinc, selenium and iron). Low magnesium intake is associated in epidemiological studies with high blood pressure, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes. Magnesium levels are

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