We often get asked in practice if dry needling is the same as acupuncture. Although the same fine needles are used to elicit a change or reaction within the body, there are some key differences between the two. What is dry needling and how does this differ to acupuncture? Dry needling involves inserting sterile needles into trigger points within the muscle. Trigger points are taut bands of muscle which can cause and contribute to pain within the body. Inserting the needle into these trigger points will elicite a local ‘twitch’ response, allowing the muscle to then relax and begin
Read MoreWe listen. We investigate. We communicate. We look through a different lens. We treat the person and not the symptom. At Wellness Embodied we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our patients. We don’t have a one size fits all approach, because we know that doesn’t work. Every person that walks through our doors is different. They have a different body, a different history, a different story. This means they will have a different presentation and a different response to treatment. Treating every person with back pain the same way simply doesn’t work, because back pain is often
Read MoreHere at Wellness Embodied we are proud to support local charities and causes that are close to our heart! As we reflect back on the year that was we are proud to have supported the following Charities and causes in 2019: Fundacja Tymmmczasy (Polish Animal Shelter) Cardiac Challenge – Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation FNQ Cerebral Palsy Support Group Ruth’s Women’s Shelter Cairns Transfrontier Africa (Black Mamba – The 1st all female Anti-Poaching Group) Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation Mision:Mexico Orphanage The Rescue Collective Gratitude Gift Boxes Cairns UN Women National Committee Australia Clean Up Australia – Clean Up Australia Day –
Read MoreSelf Care has been defined as “what people do for themselves to establish and maintain physical and emotional health and prevent or deal with minor illness, injury, or chronic conditions”. This incorporates concepts such as exercise, hygiene, nutrition, medication, and environmental and socioeconomic factors. How can I maintain my physical and emotional health? Some ideas: – Do some Physical activity: including exercise, physical activity is widely recognized as one of the key health behaviors for maintaining health and enhancing quality of life for all age groups. The World Health Organisation recommends adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 minutes
Read MoreHappy International Women’s Day! This year, the theme is #BalanceforBetter. In the words of the International Women’s Day website, ‘Balance is not a women’s issue, it’s a business issue. The race is on for the gender-balanced boardroom, a gender-balanced government, gender-balanced media coverage, a gender-balance of employees, more gender-balance in wealth, gender-balanced sports coverage.’ Some of you may not know that at Wellness Embodied, we’ve decided to make ‘women’ the loose theme of our charitable and social change program this year. We believe that women bring a unique voice and set of skills to every table. By achieving gender balance
Read MoreWritten by Practice Principal Suzanne Rath: I constantly monitor my values and goals for Wellness Embodied, as the practice is growing and developing all the time. Here are my tips for how I run a values-oriented physio practice! Treat you as if you’re a family member: I want my family and friends to have the best medical advice and healthcare possible, so I created a physiotherapy practice which I would like to go to. Simple Be kind to the environment: I use cloud based note keeping and accounting systems and am trying to minimise paper use by putting more and more
Read MoreNote from Suzanne Rath: I was lucky enough to run into Suzanne Scarrow at a women’s networking event in Cairns, having seen her events on relationship health pop up in my Facebook Newsfeed. Suzanne (what a great name!) is also a member of “Cairns Health and Wellbeing”, a Facebook group I set up to encourage sharing of information, collaboration and social gatherings amongst anyone working in, or interested in, health and wellbeing in Cairns. As I was asking her about Emotional Freedom Techniques, she very kindly offered to write a blog post for me! Suzanne is a trained psychologist, a
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