Wellness Embodied Blog

It seems like a drastic claim, but let’s look at some of the research. A 2012 study (Wilmot et al.) found sitting for greater than 7 hours doubled the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and even had a 13% increased risk of cancer. And a 2015 review (Biswas et al.) of recent studies also found a significant association with sedentary lifestyle and cardiovascular disease, cancer incidence and type 2 diabetes incidence. The World Health Organization blames sedentary lifestyles for approximately two million deaths each year and considers physical inactivity to be one of the 10 leading causes

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Written by Practice Principal Suzanne Rath: I constantly monitor my values and goals for Wellness Embodied, as the practice is growing and developing all the time. Here are my tips for how I run a values-oriented physio practice! Treat you as if you’re a family member: I want my family and friends to have the best medical advice and healthcare possible, so I created a physiotherapy practice which I would like to go to. Simple Be kind to the environment: I use cloud based note keeping and accounting systems and am trying to minimise paper use by putting more and more

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