Written by Practice Principal Suzanne Rath:
I constantly monitor my values and goals for Wellness Embodied, as the practice is growing and developing all the time. Here are my tips for how I run a values-oriented physio practice!
- Treat you as if you’re a family member: I want my family and friends to have the best medical advice and healthcare possible, so I created a physiotherapy practice which I would like to go to. Simple
- Be kind to the environment: I use cloud based note keeping and accounting systems and am trying to minimise paper use by putting more and more information online. I also strive to minimise use of single use plastic- using acupuncture needles with one plastic guide tube per 5 needles (rather than one for each, as many brands have), buying products with minimal packaging, etc. Ask me for tips on how I reduce waste in my personal life too!
- Encourage independence: I want nothing more than for my clients to be able to manage their pain. More and more, research into chronic pain has reported that ‘yellow flags’ for continuing pain include Sure, there are people who might need to come back to see me frequently, but I will NEVER keep treating somebody who isn’t making progress, or see a client without providing them with advice and information on how to manage pain. For more, see the About section on my website.
- Keep learning: Medical research is changing all the time. It’s essential to be able to READ and ANALYSE research and apply it to our clients, along with all of the clinical reasoning and knowledge we’ve gained from experience- that ability is what sets us professionals apart from anyone who can do a quick course or read a post online! I frequently expand my repertoire of techniques and attend conferences to further my knowledge.
- Surround ourselves with good people: Our staff share our values- CLICK: Compassion, Leadership, Integrity, Connection, Kindness.
For more on our sustainability commitment, see here.