Wellness Embodied Blog

Pain in your back teeth? Clicking jaw? Face pain? Headaches? Teeth clenching?

All of these can be signs and symptoms of TMJ (temporomandibular joint, or your jaw, in plain English!) dysfunction!

Back in 2013 I was involved in an accident where I was hit by a car when cycling and shattered one side of my face, leaving me with a nice level of clicking on the left side of my jaw and face pain/ headaches. So, not only can I assess and treat your jaw issues as a physio, but I can totally empathise with your pain!

I manage my jaw symptoms really well now using a combination of manual physiotherapy techniques, craniosacral therapy, medical acupuncture, stress management and strengthening exercises. In this video I’ve illustrated some strength exercises you can try at home.

If these don’t work, book an appointment. Compared with dentistry, surgery, etc., a physiotherapy appointment is one of the most cost effective, empowering ways of managing TMJ pain and dysfunction…. and if you need to be referred on for imaging, dentist review, maxillary facial review, etc., we can advise on and organise this too!

Written by Suzanne Rath, Practice Principal of Wellness Embodied.

We treat TMJ issues and jaw pain a little differently to the rest. Contact us to find out more! 07 42319777 or email admin@wellnessembodiedcairns.com

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