Lets talk about lateral elbow pain, also known as “tennis elbow”, lateral epicondylitis or by the newer name lateral epicondylalgia. It is a common overuse injury of the elbow. The cause can be repetitive overuse of the upper limb such as heavy lifting, computer use or some occupations where people have to do the same movement with their wrist or elbow repetitively (such as carpenter, gardener). Besides tennis, other sports can cause the problem as well, such as squash, badminton and baseball. It can be related to changes in biomechanical factors such as new tennis racquet, poor technique, overtraining
Read MoreTennis elbow is a tendinopathy of the outer group of tendons at the elbow. Often caused by issues around the neck and shoulder, as well as poor biomechanics, it is truly a condition which we need to ‘throw the kitchen sink at’. In this video, Suzanne assesses Jaz, a 15 year old wheelchair tennis and basketball player with tennis elbow. If you are suffering from tennis elbow pain in Cairns, or any other tendon issues, please don’t hesitate to book an appointment- use the online booking link on our homepage, call 07 42319777 or email admin@wellnessembodiedcairns.com To download our free
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